⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

Growing up I had a set of chores that I was required to do and I didn’t get paid for like dishes, my own laundry and taking care of my animals. I also had a list that I didn’t have to do but got paid for taking care of my parents animals, sweeping and mopping and doing their laundry. I was also paid by chore @

I agree! I was to distracted by all the nice windows to pay attention to the wall paper!

@room onthebroom how is your eye this morning?
It’s better, thanks for asking. :hugsDH bought some legit eyewash (the kind with the eye cup) & I’ve been using it all day. The tear duct in that eye looks a little swollen. I’ll try a cold tea bag compress a little later.

I highly recommend everyone keep eyewash in their emergency kit or medicine cabinet. You won’t need it, till you do. I wish I had this last night.
Well another long day of working!......Cleaned out the camper, finished loading the trailer, made up the bed (in the camper) and started loading stuff like the coffee pot and supplies, paper towels, garbage bags, etc. Put in bath towels, extra sheets, waders, frogg toggs.
Got half the stuff and empty boxes out of the living room. Worked on laundry so I can get clothes ready for everyone’s week and ours packed.
I fed the critters and only collected 1 more quail egg so far......but it looks like rabbit is close to kindling so I will probably do one more check-in before dark.
I have all my accessory hygrometers in for salt test and incubator is cleaned and warming up!
I think I’m gonna need a vacation to recover from getting ready for vacation! :lau
Who takes care of your animals while you’re gone?
Who takes care of your animals while you’re gone?
I’m getting everyone released into the aviary before we leave, and no hatching or new chicks until after Easter. I have capacity for 2-3+ days food and water for all the critters so hopefully DS2 can handle checking on them once or twice while we are gone to see if anything needs to be topped off and give out some treats!
Wonderful news! I’m guessing you ‘n Ginger are applying to same doctorate program?

Baby girl graduated in December & her hubby graduates this May. They are heading off to the workforce.

DD#1 applied to master program in San Marcos for Biology - botany. Looking like she will be accepted.

So much excitement! We are so happy for you @Tesumph !
Yes, applying to A&M's vet school (my only choice—say what you will). Lane is a year or so behind me and will not be applying this cycle.
How exciting for you and your family. :)
Yes, applying to A&M's vet school (my only choice—say what you will). Lane is a year or so behind me and will not be applying this cycle.
How exciting for you and your family. :)
Is this your first time applying???
Congratulations on graduation and Good Luck with vet school admissions!!!!!
Today's "weird thing I read while doing dissertation research" is:

"Experiments with domestic turkeys show male can be fully aroused and copulatory attempts elicited by as little as a detached female head in upright position. Body alone elicited strut but no copulatory behavior"

You're welcome :caf
Oh, well, thanks for the nightmares. No sleep for me tonight.
So the toms like the heads... and... not so much the... body....

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