⭐ Kiki's Year Long 🌶️

Merry Christmas y'all!
Raked and bagged 6 bags of leaves, and the can of limbs that I keep tripping over, picked up dog poo in case DS1 wants to ride motorcycle to work tomorrow, mocked up and ordered stuff for my truck rack and now to get the critters fed! Still working on the bedroom and want to get Christmas stuff put away!!!! Another busy Sunday Funday!!!!
Raked and bagged 6 bags of leaves, and the can of limbs that I keep tripping over, picked up dog poo in case DS1 wants to ride motorcycle to work tomorrow, mocked up and ordered stuff for my truck rack and now to get the critters fed! Still working on the bedroom and want to get Christmas stuff put away!!!! Another busy Sunday Funday!!!!
Better than me, it is nasty chilly out and I was over at the neighbors burying a horse.

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