šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ 10 chicks coming next month!!


Jan 23, 2021
Georgia, USA
Just ordered 10 chicks from Mt. Healthy - they had availability for their super rare breed assortment (it has a long, fancy name I canā€™t remember). Anyway, VERY excited!!!

Does anyone here know if the assortments come with a packing slip letting me know which breeds ended up shipping or if they come marked? Not a huge deal either way, just wondering how they handle the assortments.

Open to any and all tips about shipped chicks. We always got them from a local feed store in the past, but they have been selling out Black Friday style this year šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
Just ordered 10 chicks from Mt. Healthy - they had availability for their super rare breed assortment (it has a long, fancy name I canā€™t remember). Anyway, VERY excited!!!

Does anyone here know if the assortments come with a packing slip letting me know which breeds ended up shipping or if they come marked? Not a huge deal either way, just wondering how they handle the assortments.

Open to any and all tips about shipped chicks. We always got them from a local feed store in the past, but they have been selling out Black Friday style this year šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
I would contact Mt. Healthy and ask them.
Theyā€™re rare & exceptionally rare breeds can be guessed pretty well. Please post pics here, I would love to help you figure out which is which! I donā€™t think they will mark an assortment, but knowing whatā€™s in it makes it so much easier.
Theyā€™re rare & exceptionally rare breeds can be guessed pretty well. Please post pics here, I would love to help you figure out which is which! I donā€™t think they will mark an assortment, but knowing whatā€™s in it makes it so much easier.
Have you gotten them before, or just looked at the list and are familiar with the breeds and what they look like as chicks? If you got the assortment before, Iā€™d love to hear your experience. I probably would have just opted for the ā€œplainā€ rare assortment if that ship date had worked for us - all of these are fancier than what Iā€™ve ever had the option of at the feed store in the past. Their speed is more buff orps, australorps, cuckoo marans, maybe the occasional barnevelder or something. So Iā€™m excited to be out of my depth, haha.
Have you gotten them before, or just looked at the list and are familiar with the breeds and what they look like as chicks? If you got the assortment before, Iā€™d love to hear your experience. I probably would have just opted for the ā€œplainā€ rare assortment if that ship date had worked for us - all of these are fancier than what Iā€™ve ever had the option of at the feed store in the past. Their speed is more buff orps, australorps, cuckoo marans, maybe the occasional barnevelder or something. So Iā€™m excited to be out of my depth, haha.
I placed and order with them this year and was contemplating getting it but we really wanted a Bielefelder & a Lavender Orpington, and already have two Marans, so we just ordered individual breeds. I went on to add a couple from that assortment later, because chicken math, and of course they are no longer available. šŸ˜‚ Besides really liking all the breeds, I liked that almost all of them can be told apart by chick. So I think I can help you if youā€™d like! I really hope you post in this thread once you get yours, because I am still super interested and may add a couple if they become available, if not thereā€™s always next year! If you start a new thread, please tag me!
I placed and order with them this year and was contemplating getting it but we really wanted a Bielefelder & a Lavender Orpington, and already have two Marans, so we just ordered individual breeds. I went on to add a couple from that assortment later, because chicken math, and of course they are no longer available. šŸ˜‚ Besides really liking all the breeds, I liked that almost all of them can be told apart by chick. So I think I can help you if youā€™d like! I really hope you post in this thread once you get yours, because I am still super interested and may add a couple if they become available, if not thereā€™s always next year! If you start a new thread, please tag me!
Not sure when your ship date is, but go take a look. Pretty sure they opened up some new dates - multiple dates per week starting 4/2!

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