🐶The adventures of a little land shark with a job🦈

Is the name Pepsi

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She is a lovely little puppy. It sounds like she has a good temperament for a service dog. Not being overly invested in playing with other dogs is good when working. Of course you want her to get along with your dog, and she will likely take her as a member of the family, or part of the "herd". You may already be doing this, but for me the most helpful thing for crate training was all meals are fed in the crate. When my dog was young, at mealtime he would run into his crate so fast, he couldn't stop and would crash into the back wall. Stuffed kongs, or bones in the ex-pen help make it a good place too.
I am but Thank you anyway! I am waiting with the chewy treats for a few days, I don’t want to upset her stomach too much
Are you training her yourself, or getting a professional trainer?
Myself. I have trained Fanta most of the way too fully trained but she is having to retire due to joint issues
Agreed, although it's not always the best decision. Imagine someone naming their litter after all the types of cancer, while someone in their family has cancer. VERY extreme example, but you get what I mean. Basically what I'm saying is, you'll have two dogs named after fizzy drinks and you don't even like them :lau

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