1 month old Wheaten ameraucanas - what color and what sex are they?


Eggstactic for Pretty Eggs
15 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Glendale, AZ
For those of you who've raised Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas, I would love an expert's opinion.

I posted my chicks at 3 weeks, but it was too early to sex a few of them. Here they are at 1 month (hatched Feb. 26 & 27th). Rooster was a Blue Wheaten - Hens were Wheaten & Blue Wheaten, so these chicks could be wheaten, blue wheaten, or splash wheatens.

These first two chicks are identical and I don't know whether they are roos or pullets and which color they are:



side view:

In comparison, this one has been confirmed to be a wheaten roo.

I have two chicks like this - I'm pretty positive she's a pullet, but am wondering what color she is.

and I have one these - I'm sure this one is a pullet.
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I added a side view shot, but I'm not really depending on combs or stance to decided these chicks - male and female wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucanas have different coloring - I'm just not sure how to tell (my first ones).
You might try posting in the Ameraucana thread, too - I have similar chicks close to the same age & would love to know the answer!

My guess is that the first side shot is a blue wheaten roo. I couldn't tell from the back shot, so much, but the side shot looks a lot like the color pattern on my wheaten roo chick...only in blue.

I am, however, pretty much in the same boat you are, so it is a guess.

ETA - Don't you just LOVE these little guys?!
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I did try posting in the ameraucana thread a week ago, but only received one reply and it wasn't conclusive. That thread moves pretty fast. You'll have to keep watching here - hopefully, we'll get some helpful answers.

I do love these chicks and the 2 confirmed roos are the sweetest of the bunch (figures, cause I can't keep roos in my neighborhood).
Pictures 1-3 are of a Blue Wheaten cockerel, picture 4 is a Wheaten cockerel.

Picture 5 to me looks like either a Blue Wheaten or Splash pullet, and 6 looks like a Wheaten pullet.

IMHO. - Where did your birds come from?
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Thanks. You sound like you know what you're talking about and I am glad to have the answers - it's hard waiting.

That means out of the 7 w/bw eggs I hatched, 3 are pullets and 4 of them are roosters - unfortunately, I'll have to find homes for the 4 little roos
I was hoping for more pullets than roos.

These chicks are from eggs I bought from Mahonri - locally - we're both in AZ. The eggs were laid by his Blue Wheaten and Wheaten Ameraucana hens and were fertilized by his Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Rooster.

I also hatched some other eggs at the same time - Blue Ameraucana and Splash Ameraucana hens with Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Rooster- easter eggers now, but should still lay blue eggs, versus green.
Give that Blue Wheaten Roo another month. I may want him.

Last hatch two thirds of my chicks ended up being roos! TWO THIRDS!
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Thanks. You sound like you know what you're talking about and I am glad to have the answers - it's hard waiting...

I was honestly just guessing, L0L. I've done my research on the breed and tried to get a handle on what the babies should look like when the start feathering out, but I don't have any real life experience with this variety. Well, for now at least... my second W/BW Ameraucana chick hatched this morning!!!

So maybe if I get a few to many girls and not the BW cockerel that I want we can just switch! Ha!

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