1 year old Black Birchen Maran / Red Cross Rooster - ALABAMA


Jun 19, 2020
1 year & 2 months old, this guy was an 'oops' egg that was placed mistakenly under a broody silked easter egger hen. The silkie hen raised him as her own and he's a great guy. Even being a cross, I think he's very handsome. He's gentle with his hens and has done well with just 2 hens as well as 8 hens. He has never shown any signs of aggression but will put himself between you and the hens if you're doing something threatening and spooking his hens like daring to rake out his run(the horror! A RAKE!). Even being protective, he has never attacked anyone - just puffs up tall and gives the stare down to let you know he doesn't appreciate the disruption and he's watching you. He does fine with confinement, he has been raised in a 20'x10' run with attached coop and is only let out 2-3 times a week to free range with his ladies. He is used to goats and large dogs and is calm interacting with them. He has never shown aggression towards the goats/dogs... even when they charge into his run and try to steal his feed(the goats).

Selling because we no longer have any Black Birchen Maran hens and need to make some space. $20 to a good home! If interested, message me or text me at 205-613-4580.


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