1 year old sex-links not laying?


11 Years
Jul 16, 2012
Buckley, Washington
My 3, 3 year old Wheaten Ameraucana hens are out laying my 4, just turned a year gold sex-link hens. This has been happening slowly over the last couple months as each hen stopped laying. Everything has been quiet in their environment and no feed changes. Is this a sign that they will be poor layers in the future? I bought these girls as my main layers but they are majorly slacking and I won’t feed freeloaders! They look great, no molting signs. They just tuned a year old, do I need to replace them already? I’ve always had good luck with black sex-links, but this is my first experience with gold sex-links.
Are they getting plenty water, & layena? They will not lay well without. It would be very unusual for red sex links not to be laying. Have you ruled out predators that might be getting the eggs? At a year old I would think they would be laying well.
Are they getting plenty water, & layena? They will not lay well without. It would be very unusual for red sex links not to be laying. Have you ruled out predators that might be getting the eggs? At a year old I would think they would be laying well.

do you free range? are they hiding them?

They have plenty of water and a choice between regular water and vitamin/electrolyte water. They get this feed: https://www.nutrenaworld.com/product/country-feeds-egg-producer Whith almost daily free range time supervised in the evening right before bed. I’ve left them locked up for days in a row and no change in egg numbers. No predators either. Here’s my coop (needs more paint :D barn red maybe???) and one of the girls.

SUCH A CUTIE!!!!!!!!
the baby, not the chicken! hehehe :weesorry, I'm a notorious sucker for baby pudge. :clap

I'm kinda surprised... they're usually notoriously good layers for the first 2-3 years...
SUCH A CUTIE!!!!!!!!
the baby, not the chicken! hehehe :weesorry, I'm a notorious sucker for baby pudge. :clap

I'm kinda surprised... they're usually notoriously good layers for the first 2-3 years...

My daughter definitely isn’t lacking on the pudge! And she loves watching the chickens. Sometimes they will come over and let her touch them.
I’m super surprised too that’s why I started a thread. So out of the 5 gold sex-links I bought I lost one due to an egg duct (can’t remember the correct term for it) infection and never laid an egg, and one hen keeps having “paint booth” malfunctions where her egg comes out cream color instead of a nice brown like normal.

I’m wondering If I just got a bad batch? :idunno

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