10 days to remove all chickens and roosters in small town INDIANA!!!!

TOTALLY agree. If you discover that your rights are being violated, hire an attorney to represent you. Counsel with said attorney and take your case to the local newspaper(s). It may be that an angry neighbor is just giving you a hard time. If you haven't violated any laws, then contact any politicians running against your current local government and offer them free help, with the express interest in livestock zoning. We should all be proactive and not let our emotions get in the way when dealing with our rights.
I know this will get removed, but I'll say it for as many minutes as it lasts so someone might see it. RIGHTS are not granted, they are inherant and in the United States human rights have been recognized, and some of them specifically categorized, in the Bill of Rights. Since the founding of this country men have died to defend your individual rights. So when you have a situation where your rights have been superceded by laws which violate your rights it is up to you to fight.

I suggest you hire a lawyer who's ready to fight. Get your birds off of your property for now before they are confiscated because you may never see them again, and having your flock destroyed will take the fight out of you very quickly. Don't let this drag out. Try to get your rights recognized right away, and if that doesn't happen are you prepared to move? You will probably have to prove that you have sanitary conditions no matter how your flock is kept or regardless of your reasons. You should be prepared to prove that there are no communicable diseases in your flock. Don't fight from a position of weakness by bowing to an illegal ordinance. Get eveyone you can on your side and get noticed.

I think everything I've mentioned falls within the spirit of this section of the forum, so do your best, and if you fail, be prepared to find your happiness in a new location. That's all we can do.
This is, unfortunately, not possible. Our Mayor (joe) won't hear anything unless it is submitted in writing a month before. This is Joe's town and he owns the council. They roll with him. There are two members of council who don;t roll with him but it isn't enough to win the vote for a change. I could start a whole other thread just on his antics. He's almost broken our city and it probably won't be long before we are annexed by Indianapolis. But my scathing letter to him a few months ago probably didn't help my cause.
Apprentice.... well said and you are absolutely right.

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