10 month old ducks - Picking on One Male? Duck


7 Years
May 30, 2012
Delaware County, NY
Hiya. So here's the breakdown - we have 9 ten month old ducks. 6 males / 3 females. That was an unfortunate roll of the dice and a few boys will be "going down the road," but just this morning I noticed one of our males (or so we thought - but his sex feathers are gone now) was away from the rest of the flock by himself. I thought he was just teasing or menacing one of our chickens - but then I noticed him by himself in the middle of the yard and then shortly after he was the only one that went back into the coop. Until now they have always stayed together and even followed us if we were holding one of their buddies. Well, I was able to grab Sunshine, who by the way we thought was one of the dominate ones. He has abrasions along the back of his neck and on one side of the base of his neck there are definitely feathers missing - not a lot, but it is also swollen looking. No puncture marks. I brought him in the house to check him out more and spritzed the area with peroxide, but it didn't bubble up - nice and clean. I took him back out and as soon as I set him down both males and females started nibbling at the neck! This is all very sudden and I'm really not sure why. As I started writing this I went out to check him again - he was sitting on our porch steps. They haven't done that since they were babies. So, I've put him in a smaller run in our front yard - the ducks can still all see each other, but I figured he needed a break. Any thoughts?
I agree with separating him off for now. He just needs some time to recover and gain some energy. I wouldn't introduce him back until you've gotten rid of the excessive male drake problem.
I agree with separating him off for now. He just needs some time to recover and gain some energy. I wouldn't introduce him back until you've gotten rid of the excessive male drake problem.
I agree with Kevin at their ages them drakes can be ruthless also the ducks.
Unfortunate. That happened Once to my male Runner but mainly had all females and 1 other male rouen duck. They got over it in about 3 days didn't become to serious though.
Unfortunate. That happened Once to my male Runner but mainly had all females and 1 other male rouen duck. They got over it in about 3 days didn't become to serious though.
But it can become serious and can lead to death. kelly has done the right thing in getting him separate from the rest, a bit of TLC and he'll probably be fine, but don't be surprised if they have a go at him again once reintroduced so you'll have to watch closely. If you have a duck that is easy going and wouldn't mind keeping your guy company that might be a thought to. He is one you are considering keeping?
yeah, he's not going anywhere... he and my hubby bonded as soon as he came out of the shipping box. He has the orange-ist feet of all our Blue Swedish.
This was taken last summer.
You need to rehome or permanently seperate (out of sight of the females and away from the chickens) 5 of your males. You have WAY too many. I understand that this is what happens with straight run ducklings but it is dangerous for many involved.

This many males will fight with each other, as you've experienced. They will also overbreed the females and drakes have been known to kill ducks because they will gang up on them.
They will try to mate with your chickens because there are not enough females, which is dangerous or deadly for the chicken because they are not anatomically compatible.

You will need to be careful when you reintroduce him. The flock dynamic will have changed and now he will have to work his way back into the flock.

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