100+ naked necks,100+ Guinea's, soon 100+ red rangers


10 Years
Sep 16, 2009
Ok Ive decided to not be lazy and write about this project. Lemme get caught up.

10/13/09 105 Naked Neck were shipped and received 10/14/09. 3 were dead on arrival, looked like cardboard divider crushed them. Had to finish brooder because chicks arrived a day early. Also realized that brooder was low and same some flooding causing us to change the bottom of them Brooder.

10/14- 104 Guinea Fowl were shipped (not precisely sure of #) and received on 10/16/09. All were alive. Looked as if they were starting to pick at each other.

10/16-1 Naked Neck (from now on NN) died not positive reason of death.

10/17- 6 Guinea's(from now on GF) died. Had a malfunction of are Brooder pen and they got out. 1 more NN died. not sure of reason.

10/18- 1 GF died. Looked trampled.

10/19- 2 NN died. Looked trampled? Not sure but Flat as board.

10/20- 22 NN died. Looked as same the day before. Noticed Pasty butts and wiped off in the AM. Both sets of chicks seem to be eating well and drinking water. GF are much more skitish and trampled all over in other in the corner while changing the food. 100+ Red Rangers were hatched and shipped today, expecting them tomm in the AM. Also hoping my pasty butt problem and dead chicks is over with.

I'm posting some pictures below.
A few other bits of info if curious. Square footage of our brooder is 80 ft divided in 3 sections. However it smaller right now because of our water problem. Hope to be fixing that be next batch.
Have probly been through 40 maybe 50 pds of starter at 20%.
Changing and refreshing water and feed twice a day.

If any more question or comments go for it. I will try to update as much as possible.






Yes, please share the purpose of all those cute fluffy chicks.

I'm curious what one would do with that many NNs, and why!

Did you put any grit with them? When raising large batches, it really helps with pasty butt issues if they have grit, since there is no way to pick up and check each butt everyday like you can with smaller numbers of chicks.
I would put another heat lamp in with the NN as they looked chilled. When they get PB it's usually from them getting chilled.

Guineas you will find after the first few days are like raising a bunch of nails.... as long as you keep them dry they stay healthy.

Where did you get your birds from?
Expected the Red Rangers to come in today but looks like it will be tomm. All chicks are fine, eating and drinking regularly.Took out one heat lamps because most were away from them and it was to warm for my hand.

The NN and RR are from S&G hatchery. The GF are from JM hatchery. No we did not add any grit to the feed.

We are involved with some restaurants who are looking to purchase a higher quality bird that is pasture raised with no hormones or antibiotics.We will also be selling to private individuals.
So are you planning on raising these in tractors on penned up? Curious if you are in a warmer climate to take this many in this time of the year. I am in the middle of some Red, Dixies and Johnny's from S&G also to evaluate them. Have been pleased so far but time will tell.

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