12 + Blue Barnevelder hatching eggs

Trish, I meant to post this sooner than now, I wanted to thank you for the eggs!! Your shipping is AMAZING!!!! Definitely, the best shipping I have ever received! I have one more week till hatch date, but I candled them and only had to take out 4 of the 33 I got. 2 looked clear and 2 had blood rings. I am beyond thrilled!!! THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH!!
Just wanted to say thank you on the eggs you shipped out! 11 went into lockdown and 10 hatched out!! 1 is a splash and time will tell on who is black or blue!! Hoping the chest sexing is off with the blue line- mine are all white breasted!! But- we do have adult black hens already.
Once again thank you much!! They are adorable!
an update on mine, I ended up with

2 splash roosters
3 blue rooster
1 black rooster

2 splash hens
3 blue hens
4 black hens

I am thrilled with these guys,, most also show awesome lacing even at their young age!
I ended up with 18 chicks. 4 Splash (I think 1 roo & 3 pullets) and 14 Blue/Black (it looks like there may be 3-4 roo's out of this batch.) I am so excited!! They are such beautiful chicks!!
Congrats to everyone on their chicks:) I just candled the 67 eggs in my bator and just pulled 4. Not too bad considering some of the eggs were 2+weeks old. I am little bit tempted to stick more eggs under some of my broodies

One of my blue hens that is now raising some chicks.

A good first time momma too:)

Today's pic of the day.....Broody hens are causing a bit of a traffic jam at the nest boxes. There are 2 broody hens trying to claim every egg and 2 hens trying to lay eggs...all in the same box...The other boxes were empty, LOL.
you have some beautiful birds! I realize this may be a question for the breed thread, but I was wondering how far north you are, and how your birds do in the wintertime? I live in SW idaho, my mother in law lives in macdoel CA and our weather seems to be fairly close, hers being a tad worse in the winter.

I am looking for uncommon, dual purpose birds that are winter hardy and Barnevelders are on my list to research. Just LOVE the coloring of the blues!

I have found some info online, but would love to have your opinion.

Thanks for your time!
The eggs I got from Trisha had 100% fertility. Out of 30 eggs, 27 were fully developed and only 3 fertile eggs showed no development. I gave no hatching assistance and 24 chicks hatched healthy and happy! 14 pullets and 10 roosters...as for the colors, there were mostly blue, 3 splash and a few black (traditional color) too so it was a great mix...all are Gorgeous and starting to show nice lacing on them. I cannot say enough good things about these chickens. You really get the best of both the blue and the traditional black Barnevelder with the blue color. I would highly recommend adding some of these chicks to your flock
! This is the breed we intend to raise for a long time to come :).

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