12 day old duckling "quacks"


7 Years
Aug 28, 2016
Memphis, TN
I was pretty shocked on Saturday morning when one of my ducklings sounded different from the day before and the others. Already at 12 days old her voice was beginning to change toward her quack letting me know she is a girl. This is my third time raising ducklings in the last two years so I have heard the sound before, just not this young. I took this video of her on Saturday. You can hear the other ducklings peeping and she lets out a sound that to me sounds like a dog chewing on a squeaky toy. She does it a second time right as the video ends.
Today, she is 15 days old and her voice is consistently lower and squeaky-toyish. A second duckling started making the same sound today. I am just really surprised how early they are starting to have voice changes but excited to have at least two girls in the group. Can you hear it or do you think I am wrong?
I've had several ducklings that I've assumed were girls because they started making sounds like that. About half of them turned out to be boys. Until I hear a definite loud quack I no longer assume they're girls. My girl ducklings usually start quacking at about 4-5 weeks old.
Same here. I was delighted that my duckling was a girl and at one point, it just stopped quacking and got a drake voice. Two ducklings, it was the same with both of them.

Some ducklings are more vocal than others. Does it have any connection to the duckling's sex, I don't know. I think it's not. You have like 50:50 chance it's either a drake or a hen.

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