12+ Silkie Eggs from Quality Stock


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
I am not putting any more in the bator.
12+ Assortment.
I can not promise specific colors.
My daughter and I take turns going out to gather eggs every hour.
If you want to show next summer or fall you need to think about hatching NOW!
I want to ship tomorrow "WEDNESDAY"


$40.00 paypal includes Shipping
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Not for her stock, it's not. They're exceptional quality silkies, just take a gander at the photos on her website.

I have 4 chicks that I hatched from her eggs, all buff. They are amazing quality.
Your not alone, I agree, but its all what someone is willing to pay.
I am just cheap I guess, lol!
But I think most things now-a-days are way overpriced, from real-estate to cars to jeans to shoes and everything in between, people just can't say nope, too expensive, probably why the economy is in the shambles it is.......
I also have some of her silkies that I hatched oh, a year ago or so.......

If you look at it this way: 12 eggs - $40. Take off the shipping, because SHE isnt making any money on the shipping. So, $27 roughly for her eggs. $2.25 a piece? That's costly? For the quality of birds she has? I think not.

Furthermore, if you've ever received eggs from her, you'll understand the amount of TIME, MONEY and effort that goes into her packaging and supplies.

I wish I could afford these eggs right now, I'd snap them up in a heartbeat.
That's the key wording there, like I said, in todays economy......afford. LOL! That's when luxuries like these kind of get put on the back burner.
Actually I have bought them from her website before.

But you know how shipping can be on eggs, so by the time you get 12-18 eggs, by the time all is said and done you may have 10 if your lucky (me-not) or 1-3 if your not. (me)
Then the prices of the birds goes up respectively, heck mine are $35 babies not $2.25..., lol!! your almost better off buying one already hatched.
I used to think that was expensive, but now....by the time I pay $40 for eggs n shipping, wait 21, and see what I get, wait for them to grow...feed, etc........I could just buy a trio or pair for $100 and know what I'm getting up front.
We bought a roo and the lady delivered him to the ohio nationals, worked out great because I don't want them to be hurt, shipping worries me. She ended up giving us another roo and we are so happy with them both so far and they have very good bloodlines.
So that was money well spent too.

I guess if I had a broody hen I'd feel better about my odds too. I'm just not hatching material. =]

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