12 weeks old- no crow?


8 Years
Dec 4, 2011
Princeton, MN
My buff orpington, columbian wyandotte, and EE roosters are 12 weeks old. I haven't heard a single crow out of any of them! I have two 3 year old hens that are top-of-the-flock and very dominant. Could this be why they aren't crowing? When do they normally crow?
Mine are about 14 weeks and are starting to TRY to crow. It really sounds pitiful though...apparently it takes them a while to figure the crowing thing out.

The first time I heard it was one morning when I was letting my little dogs out. It sounded like a very sick dog trying to bark. I said, "WHAT IS THAT??!!!" before I realized it was my little Buff Orpington cockerel.
4 DAYS???
Next time that happens please make a video.
Mine usually start crowing around 18-20 weeks.

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