1st Annual Washington State Poultry Swap! Interested?

Well, I think we need to plan one as soon as the smoke clears up!!!
Not to barge in here because I would go to one in wash. even tho I am in Oregon. But I think a lot of the problem with this year is that the oregon swap has been planned for a year and everyone has already paid for their booths and/or made arrangements to go. Its really far south so people have had to put planning and time into going to it. I think a swap in washington would be a good idea for next year but this year, especially being in october when the oregon swap is the last weekend of october, is not such a good idea if you are trying to generate a turn out. I know a lot of people from washington even northern wash. who are already attending the oregon swap.

If you planned something to be in early spring like march over spring break or something, it would be a good way for people to sell their fall chicks to make room for their spring hatching chicks and sell their early ones. You would probably get a much higher attendance of both vendors and shoppers. Then people could also sell some of the goods they made over the winter stuck inside. I would suggest an indoor location with access to power for heat lamps tho.

Just offering some friendly advice since this thread seems to be pretty dead. : ) Hope it works out so I have another swap to attend next year!
Yeah but not everyone can travel 10 hours to another state to possibly sell a couple chickens. :) I'm not really interested in what's going on in Oregon (it's just too far away)...

I actually organized a swap/sale back in 2010 and I did pretty well....and last year I attended one here in Okanogan that was an animal barter fair...I sold everything I had from chickens and ducks to goats and geese...and it was last minute.

I don't want (or have time to plan) a huge extravaganza--I just want to get rid of excess mouths to feed before winter. :) But thanks anyway!
I went to the one in Chewelah today and we were able to sell all 30+ birds we took within 5 minutes. I know they have one in the spring too, but their fall swap is always huge. One of these days we'll all be able to collaborate and get a swap together!
I'd be interested in attending, but the timing isn't good right now since we're going to the swap in Oregon and there's a show in Nov. that we'll probably go to. Now, April in the Okanogan I'd really enjoy, but that's just me. I hope you can get something going where & when decide.

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