1st broody hen

Yeah kicking them off doesn't generally do anything. They have to be unable to get back on for that 3 day period.
Not sure I want to put my pullet in jail for 3 days. I assume she will eventually unbroody herself, correct? I don't really care that she's not laying during this process and would prefer to just wait it out. I'm really hoping it is a bit of a fluke because she is so young. Or I suppose I could let her hatch some out to replace the neighbor's flock, she's lost about 3-4 to predators lately. If I went that route, do you have to somehow segregate the mom and babies once their hatched, or will the mom protect them from the other chickens? I'm less than 5 months into chickens and didn't figure I'd have to address this until next spring...yikes.
Not sure I want to put my pullet in jail for 3 days.  I assume she will eventually unbroody herself, correct?  I don't really care that she's not laying during this process and would prefer to just wait it out.  I'm really hoping it is a bit of a fluke because she is so young.  Or I suppose I could let her hatch some out to replace the neighbor's flock, she's lost about 3-4 to predators lately.  If I went that route, do you have to somehow segregate the mom and babies once their hatched, or will the mom protect them from the other chickens?  I'm less than 5 months into chickens and didn't figure I'd have to address this until next spring...yikes.

See my reply above. We don't lock ours up which goes against everything you read but simply keeping them off that nestbox 24/7 seems to be working fine for us.

If you leave her go without eggs to hatch it is quite possible for her to sit there long enough to starve herself. Its been so bred into some of them that common sense doesn't ever kick in to say these aint hatching.

No advice in the rest but I've seen the same question asked before so if you do a search you should find answers re mum and babies.
BOTH of the BOs I have in my flock went broody three weeks after they laid their first eggs. One has gone broody twice now and she's less than a year old. The other is over three years old and she hasn't gone broody as frequently, but she just raised a single chick she hatched a little over a month ago.

I have never "broken" a broody hen, but that's just me.
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I have a question! My hen has been broody for weeks. I kept kicking her off the nest but no luck. I then researched and put her in a wire cage for three days. It worked!!! She has joined the flock and is no longer sitting in that nesting box. It has been 4 days and Still no eggs though. How long after breaking them before eggs again??

My last broody didnt lay for 2 weeks after, but she was raising chicks.

I also agree with Lady of McCamley. If you have a broody raise your chicks it makes things super easy! I let mine sit in a large dog crate inside her own run for a couple of days after hatching and then let them all loose with the rest of the flock (40 other chickens, some ducks and geese). A good mama will protect the babies and so will a good rooster. Some are better than others. My current broody only had 3 eggs and has broken 2, and leaves her nest for hours at a time. I don't expect that last egg to hatch, if it does, I will be surprised if the mama protects the way she should. She is in her 3rd laying season. My last broody was a new layer as well.... I think some hens are just meant to be mamas.
Well, for my hen, I think I'll wait it out or see if my friend has any eggs she needs hatched! I have had to physically pick her up twice today and put her in with the main food and water. She eats and drinks like a maniac when I do. I just feel bad for her that this is all in vain. She doesn't even have and eggs under her! Question for you experts, tho. Our oldest 'supposed' pullet is now keeping guard so to speak! sitting on the edge of our hens nesting box or right in it with her! Does this sound like normal behavior for another hen?

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