1st duck egg to hatch EVER!!!!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 24, 2009
Savannah Georgia
my first duck egg is starting to hatch has hole in shell about the size of a thumb nail. 3 others have pek cracks starting incubator is at 78 percent humidty and 98 degrees. I am in in Savannah Ga. so our humidty is high anyway and it has been raining for days. I have 10 baby chicks in 55 gallon rubbermaid net to the incubator. I still have llight on them even though the lowis only 70 at night and 80 to 85 during the day. They are in my garage. I have another container to set up for the ducks. I only have chicken starter but the guy at the feed and seed said that was ok to feed the ducks. How long before it hatches all the way? Do I need to any thing. other than having a nervous breakdown waiting for my first duckling? Thanks to all of you Anne. Ps. This is worst than having a baby as my baby is 27 years old.LOL
It can take awhile (24+ hours) for them to be completely ready to hatch. Just leave them alone.

The feed you have for your chicks is fine for the ducklings. I raise mine on the same feed.

FYI: You're only supposed to post a topic once...not in a whole bunch of catagories.
Hello teachao !! I am new at hatching but I have noticed that when our ducks started hatching this week the humidity went from around 75 to 85% and when that happened we had baby ducks running around chirpping !! how many you hatching ?? I have 12 more in my homemade incubator,I have been staggering the eggs and have had good luck.now to find out where to put them !! this has became a bad addiction ...
I thought that chick starter was medicated and baby ducks cannot eat medicated food. That's what the guy at the feed store told me.
That is not true. As long as the only medication in the feed is amprol/amprolium it is perfectly fine for the ducklings. I raise all my call ducklings on Purina medicated Start & Grow.

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