1yr old Marans roo with "curled toe paralysis"????


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Clay, Alabama
Before I start endlessly searching through all the past posts, I thought I'd go ahead and post my problem--in hopes it's not too late to fix it....

I went out this morning to let my flock out, and my roo hobbled out of the coop. Upon examination, he is keeping his toes curled and kinda' walking around with his feet curled up--resting on his hocks to eat scratch. Consulting "The Chicken Health Handbook", it sounds like curled toe paralysis from riboflavin deficiency, but everything I'm reading indicates that is only in chicks...?? Any ideas on what could cause this?

It did rain all day yesterday, so they probably spent a lot of time in the coop & I didn't really observe them yesterday. They have 1.25"-1.5" diameter, wooden roost pole. Could this be the problem?

Thanks so much!
Clay, AL
Well, I haven't heard from anyone with ideas, but here's an update--I've brought him in to a confined cage. I'm hoping it is some sort if nutrients deficiency...?? Since I don't have any PolyViSol on hand, I checked the numerous vitamin supplements we have for our ferret, guinea pigs, and lizard. The liquid vitamin supplements for our ferret & guinea pigs is just regular vitamin supplements in different amounts according to needs for species, so I included 1/2 the recommended dose for each--should provide lots of Vit. E and B Vitamins. I also always keep ACV in the water. I rinsed some roasted sunflower seeds of my son's, added a few BOSS, and coated them with the calcium supplement we have for our lizard (calcium carbonate & D3). I also have a UV light over his cage. Hoping he might just be D3 deficient due to all the dreary & rainy weather we have had lately.

He was eating scratch from the ground before I brought him in, and he is alert--even saw him flapping his wings. He is now crowing like crazy! Another note, his eyes look clear to me, as well as normal pupils.

Any thoughts?
:) Briana
According to the Chicken Health Handbook, it seems typical in chicks...And mentions vitamin deficiencies: riboflavin & vitamin E. I think Polyvisol has that stuff. Maybe try that?
Thanks...hopefully that is all it is, somehow. My concern is that he's not a chick (less than a month from being one year old), plus none of the other chickens--all hens--are showing any problems. Guess I'll try some super-duper TLC & see what happens...I hope it's not something that spreads to the rest of my flock and ultimately to my other flocks (22 others)...
I'm replying to my own post again....could it possibly be that the roosting pole in my coop is too little? It is only 1.5" diameter and the Chicken Health Handbook says at least 2", and not to let heavier breeds roost at all. Is a Marans rooster considered a "heavier" breed? Could this cause foot problems? He doesn't have paralysis because he has "grabbed" hold of my finger/hand while I was holding him. But he does just sit with his toes curled and kinda' walks around on them all curled....???

Need some input!! Not sure if I'm doing anything that will help or if I'm missing something that will!
:) Briana
Well, now I'm not really sure it would be considered "paralysis"?? He gripped my finger/hand when I was holding him, so he can obviously sorta' use his feet. It's like he just can't get his toes to flatten out for him to walk normally...?? I'm so lost on what the problem is!!
I actually have a similar problem with a Marans hen. She walks around fine, but her toes are curled under. Her sister is fine, but we (by which I mean my husband - I couldn't do it) had to put her brother down. He started limping at about 8 months, and by 10 months couldn't stand. the poor fellow went from number one roo to not being able to stand well enough to eat out of the feeder.

From what I research I could do, I think it was a genetic defect, perhaps from inbreeding. Where did you get your rooster? Do you think it could be genetic problem?

I hope your rooster has a better resolution than mine!
Yikes! That doesn't sound good. :-( I got my hatching eggs from a friend last spring. She got chicks from a guy in GA, I think, and they are supposed to be from the Wade Jeane line. I don't know much more about them. The "inbreeding" issue has crossed my mind. How does that work with chickens? If all her chicks were hatch mates, then does that make the hatching eggs I got from her "inbred"? Or what about if my flock (also all hatch mates) breed? Will chicks from my flock then be inbred? Any tips or reference links here would be great!

Now, I'm thinking, even if he does recover, I'm not sure I want to leave him in the flock...??

:) Briana

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