2 serama hens - POX or CANKER? WARNING-graphic pics

I never had any dry pox at all before the wet. It started with Wet. There was one that coughed out some mucus that had wet pox. Where the mucus stuck to it's head and a dry pox formed even though I cleaned it off. ALSO, with wet form it can move up through the sinuses to the eyes. If a lesion forms in the eye you need to get it out quickly, even if you leave a sore on the eye lid. The growing pox can rub a sore on the eye causing the bird to go blind in that eye.

I never had any dry pox at all before the wet. It started with Wet. There was one that coughed out some mucus that had wet pox. Where the mucus stuck to it's head and a dry pox formed even though I cleaned it off. ALSO, with wet form it can move up through the sinuses to the eyes. If a lesion forms in the eye you need to get it out quickly, even if you leave a sore on the eye lid. The growing pox can rub a sore on the eye causing the bird to go blind in that eye.


GOD! this stuff sounds like a nightmare..
I went through 2 months trying to treat this stuff and not knowing exactly what it was. The 3 that I could find that it may be was canker, fowl pox, or laryngo(ILT). No one was coughing or anything respiratory, so that eliminated the ILT. The so called proven treatments for Canker seemed to work, but it took up to 2 weeks. Even then, someone else would develop it. I finally found someone with real knowledge. The Meds for canker were just killing the secondary bacteria, which from the smell, some had. Sort of a rotten fungus smell. The canker tablets(cut in half) took care of that part of it, Oxine in their water stopped the pox from spreading so easily, and then the vaccine stopped it all together.

By the time I finally got it gone, I was at the point of giving up and selling out. Folks that know me know how much I love my birds, but that pushed me to the edge. It took several months for me to feel comfortable enough to hatch an egg or sell a bird. I didn't want to take any kind of chance that I would give someone else my problems.

How are they doing this morning? I am hoping you were able to get the med into them last night. This kind of stuff grows so fast. I'm hoping for the best. Keep us updated.
I do hope the girls are doing better? And what meds are you giving? Did you find out what this is yet? I hope something works for them quickly.
Hi guys...didn't know all these posts were here!! I guess sometimes the "subscribe" works and sometimes it doesn't.
Looks like I somehow deleted my pics too...

The good news is that both girls are still alive. I kept them in at nights up until 3 days ago. I gave them EACH 125 mg of the metronidazole (broke up into little bitty bits) every night for 5 nights. I didn't give any penicillin because, from what I can tell, there are no secondary infections. It was really hard to get the meds down Cleo because that chunk in her mouth is nearly across the back of her mouth and right below the left side of her tongue. However, the first 2 nights she was SOOO hungry, that I would hold the bit of pill in my hand and she would get it into the side of her beak and work her tongue, so that she would get it down...I think she thought it was food. Poor thing.

Also, the first 2 nights, I filled a bowl w/ crumble and sprayed it w/ nutri drench. Not only were the getting much needed vitamins, but cleo also had an easier time getting the damp crumble in her mouth and down her throat.

The last couple of days, I have given them both raw egg. Again, they gobble it up and each girl can get a whole egg down!

Blondie has not grown anything back, but she is almost featherless...She is a year and a half old and never molted to that extreme before.

Cleo still has quite a growth in her mouth, but I picked off the one on her beak. You were right...it did bleed, but it clotted right away. Under the scab was cottage cheesey chunks WAY DOWN under her skin that came off with the skin, and has NOW GROWN BACK!

The inside of her mouth has gone down a smidge, but her mouth is still ajar from the growth at the side of her beak and the left side of her toungue

I have been working long hours the last 2 days and haven't had much time w/ them, but a few days ago, I let them out of their cage while I took care of everyone else, and within seconds, they had dug a hole and were dusting in the sun! Heck...they don't know anything's wrong! They just think they are on vacation from their boys! LoL

thanks guys... I still don't know if it's pox or canker, but I've treated for canker and it seems to have helped...

~Fluffy Butts Farm

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You need to continue the treatment for canker. Minimum 15 days, more if needed. It is very tricky to get rid of and if you do on again off again treatment, the canker will become resistant to this med. Treat until all yellow spots are gone for a week straight. As the meds start to work, the yellow gook will dry up and fall off on its own. 5 days is not nearly enough.

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