2 Week Salmon Favorelle toes bent. Fine or does she need a tape boot or something to correct that?


Feb 24, 2023
She's 2 weeks and seems to be doing great. Am diggin her brown, cream and blue new festhers! Only noticed these toes bent a bit backward as we were taking pictures. Doesn't seem to bother her and only affects outermost toe on both sides, although her right side a little more severe than left even. Leave it or correct it and how? Thanks all!
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A rudimentary toe is common in feather legged breeds. Or maybe she just has crooked toes. I’m not sure. It is probably genetic but could be caused by incubator issues ore even a vitamin deficiency. Either way, just don’t breed from her. The toes shouldn’t cause any issues for her.
A rudimentary toe is common in feather legged breeds. Or maybe she just has crooked toes. I’m not sure. It is probably genetic but could be caused by incubator issues ore even a vitamin deficiency. Either way, just don’t breed from her. The toes shouldn’t cause any issues for her.
If it's a vitamin deficiency, is there anything that would help now for future or was the deficiency pre-incubator? (I purchased but also do not plan to breed her)
If it's a vitamin deficiency, is there anything that would help now for future or was the deficiency pre-incubator? (I purchased but also do not plan to breed her)
I don’t think you can do anything for it now.
I would get crooked toes when I fed medicated feed. (I’ve been told this is a myth, but I don’t feed medicated anymore and haven’t had this problem, so IDK if true or not.)
But as long as you are feeding her commercial chick feed, that’s the best you can do.

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