2013 United Peafowl Association Convention


10 Years
May 12, 2009
Burton, OH
Hi Group

Wanted to spread the word to other peafowl lovers about the 2013 Peafowl convention that is to be held Sept. 26-28 in Cleveland Ohio. It is a great time where fellow peafowl enthusiasts can meet up and chat about birds, genetics, colors and more. There will be guest speakers, a trip to the Cleveland zoo, an auction of peafowl related stuff (and some live birds also) and more. This is not only for breeders, but for all folks and their families who love peafowl. It is a great learning experience and a chance to meet very experienced peafowl breeders and pick their brains for tips. If you have peafowl, are thinking or making the plunge, or just love the birds, come on up to Cleveland and join us. More information and registration information is in the link below or feel free to PM. Perhaps some new ideas or topics could be brought back to have more discussion or disseminate info here on BYC.

I wish I could go! Be sure to get pictures (especially of the Bronze Progressive Pied if allowed
)and share them with the less fortunate who cannot go.
Wished it was closer
I hope some of you all that are going will take some photos for us left behind here.. i don't think anyone has done it for us before so ya'll would be the first
That is one peafowl farm I would love to see. The Louden's have such gorgeous birds! I would love to learn more about that Progressive Pied!

I would expect there to be photos on the UPA website but hopefully some on here, too.
Hi Group,

We are very excited for the convention and hosting it here in Cleveland. We will def share pictures and a run down. Yoda, can't wait to see you here. Been a busy year here and good hatch for what we set this year. I will get some pictures of the Bronze PP up here and post an update on the project for our BYC friends.

If anyone wants to come up to the convention and has trouble with details, hotels, or anything else, give me a pm or call (216-392-5320).


Jay and Jen
I appreciate that! Since we are talking about the pictures, where the pictures from the past conventions? They used to be on the old website...
Yes, the new site is still under build so they will be coming up soon. For the old site, we were stalled with bad links, older software platform etc. We made the decision to build new and migrate the good stuff as we could. We went live when ~70% built up and are finishing on the fly with our UPA webmaster to make updates. Thanks for checking it out :)

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