202 eggs in the freezer

Now, thats a ton of eggs! Very informative blog there! I enjoyed it, thanks!
I just checked out your blog and I got to reading,I have NEVER canned anything but want to so badly and now even more since seeing your Garlic Jelly!!
Thank you for reading!! :)

Please, everyone, I can't read all the PM's and answer your questions. If you have a question ask it on the blog so I can answer it one time. I can't answer several questions individually that requires the same answer. Sorry about that. Your questions may help others so don't be shy.
What's your question, henpen?

Thanks, Kate and Show-Me!

Kate, the food saver is not the top of the line. I saved my Christmas money until I knew what I wanted to buy with it. I also go an excalibur dehydrator later which is a MUST have now!

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