21 eggs and still not setting?


15 Years
Jun 25, 2008
Hannibal, Missouri
My pair of embdens have a nest of 18 eggs. The first three froze and busted. So she has layed 21 eggs. She still hasnt started sitting. Did i get unlucky and end up with a goose that wont hatch her eggs? I just figured that she would have started incubating them already..
Two of my geese are still laying and one is setting on 40+ eggs. And the only reason she is setting is cause she's a young goose. She's only a year old and decided to set on the 'big nest'. So I'd say your geese are right on track!
I had been pulling eggs to sell. I quit and now I have 5 in the coop and nobody is sitting yet? every time I find one now I toss it in the nest to build up the count. I am hoping that one of the girls decides to sit? how long do the eggs last if they don't get to cold?
I have a goose that has been laying since Dec 20th! Still not sitting on any eggs. I have a sebbie that decided to sit on her eggs after laying 2. One is in the incubator and the other along with the silly goose that just lays eggs is under the sebbie. She's sitting on 8. Now, my last goose has started laying eggs. She may have started earlier but I'm just finding them now. Dogs or preditors probably go the others. Glad to see I'm not the only one waiting to see what happens. My geese are still under a year old.
I too have had a goose laying since December and she still shows no sign of sitting. I have eggs in my incubators and now I am just letting the eggs in the nest build up hoping the geese will decide to sit on them. All three of my geese are a year old and only one shows any tendency to guard the nest so far.
I took some of the eggs from my incubator and put them under my sitting goose. The timing is pretty much the same. I wanted to make sure she was going to sit and she did. I'm now letting the others pile up like you. I'm wondering if they are fertile. I might have to crack one open to find out. I see them mate but I suppose that doesn't always mean the eggs will be fertile. Maybe the goose has issues? I just found some eggs from my American Buff. I got 2 now. She was laying in the woods and I'm sure the dogs or opossums got to the eggs. I did find where my turkey has her nest. I'm going to leave that alone. They blend in incredibly well so I hope I will get some babies there too.
not sure what happened yesterday. I had 6 in the morning in the one nest box and then when I was cleaning up later 2 were crushed. I dunno if it was the fact they were on the floor under a leaf pile or what? I dug out the nest box and put a rubber mat under everything to protect the remaining eggs. I added a few more from the round up pile to get the number up. I locked my biggest girl in that end of the pen last night. we'll see if she sits? I figure she is the only one that has eggs left to lay?

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