21 week buffs are they girls?


5 Years
Mar 16, 2018
Fernandina Beach FL
I have 2 buffs that I got just a few days old. Hazel and Pearl :) well Hazel is much bigger than Pear with a red crop and waddle but little pearl is still not formed and super pink. Please tel me Hazel is sill a female !! Top two pics are Hazel and bottom 2 Pearl. I don’t see any spurs on Hazel either. Help please!!!
Now that I've looked more closely, I am not so sure. Hazel's big head and large, upright comb seem male to me, but the rest of its body doesn't show male traits. There is no male feathering.

So, Hazel could be a late blooming cockerel or just a pullet with large comb and wattles. I would lean toward cockerel but not positive. Hazel could also be a little of both. I think time will tell on this one.
At 21 weeks, they would likely have a lot more male feathering, I thought. And being so red, pullets usually get that way a week or two before they start laying. Plus 20+ weeks is about average for laying, so. Hopefully you will know for sure very soon.

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