25 pound coon in my freezer!

bird sitter

7 Years
Aug 21, 2012
The great state of Texas!
Well, the same coon has killed seven of our birds in the past MONTH... Tonight I went out to show a friend our chickens ( btw it was pitch black outside) and we had sat and had been talking for at least twenty minutes and I looked over and there was a coon staring at us. We quietly watched him walk around our trap over and over again, but didn't go in and walked over to our tractor coops. He started running so we grabbed our 22 and started chasing! About 45 minutes later I've got a 25 pound coon! 25 pounds! I know right?? He's a big boy with probably a couple chickens in his system! I'm going to gut him in the morning and see what's in his stomach! Wish me luck! Haha!
Take the pics before you gut him please!
And well done for getting him!
It's in their nature to hunt, so I won't say they "deserve to die", but when they become a problem we must take care of our birds. Their survival doesn't depend on eating our chickens. I'm sure they'll find something else if they make the effort, but chickens are cooped up, therefor easy. Sorry to hear about your 7 and the one without her wing
We lost 32 chickens and one got scalped, but survived. Mongoose. We caught and dispatched 7 of them in the end. We didn't enjoy it, but something had to be done.
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I would love to see an intact pic too. That huge bugger must be covered in ticks!

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