2wk old lethargic, mushy crop, no eating, drinking, pooping. HELP!!


5 Years
Jul 17, 2015
Yesterday I started noticing that my 2 week old splash Marans was spending more time under the Brinsea than usual and not running out when I entered their room. At that point she still seemed to be doing everything else normally. This morning when I greeted them she stayed under the Brinsea and did not come out until I actually lifted it up to check on her. She is very drowsy and seems to be falling asleep while she is on her feet, not really moving around a whole lot. When I check her crop it feels mushy and pretty empty. I have not seen her eat drink or poop today. I have been trying to I drop feed her some yogurt and b vitamins. Also cooked her an egg yolk that I mixed in with the tiny bit of yogurt and b-vitamin complex. I stuck a small piece in her mouth and she did not eat it. I feel like I am traumatizing her trying to feed her with an eyedropper since she does not open her beak readily. I am very worried about her and I don't want her to die! What can I do?? Also, she seems to be trying to poop but nothing is coming out. It does not appear that she is clogged, however. That said, she was my one chick that had pasty butt last week. She still continued to poop through her pasty butt but I don't know if that has anything to do with the current situation.
Yesterday I started noticing that my 2 week old splash Marans was spending more time under the Brinsea than usual and not running out when I entered their room. At that point she still seemed to be doing everything else normally. This morning when I greeted them she stayed under the Brinsea and did not come out until I actually lifted it up to check on her. She is very drowsy and seems to be falling asleep while she is on her feet, not really moving around a whole lot. When I check her crop it feels mushy and pretty empty. I have not seen her eat drink or poop today. I have been trying to I drop feed her some yogurt and b vitamins. Also cooked her an egg yolk that I mixed in with the tiny bit of yogurt and b-vitamin complex. I stuck a small piece in her mouth and she did not eat it. I feel like I am traumatizing her trying to feed her with an eyedropper since she does not open her beak readily. I am very worried about her and I don't want her to die! What can I do?? Also, she seems to be trying to poop but nothing is coming out. It does not appear that she is clogged, however. That said, she was my one chick that had pasty butt last week. She still continued to poop through her pasty butt but I don't know if that has anything to do with the current situation.
She finally just pooped and it was white liquid. I don't really want to treat them all for coccidia if they don't need to be treated but I would definitely want to do whatever I can to save my little Honey girl and make her feel better. I really don't know what the best route to take is but I am heading to the feed store now to see what help they might offer. Any input is VERY appreciated!!
if you can separate here even if it's a divider with her own water and good and get her on some save a chick or nutridrench until some of the more knowledgeable people answer. missed seeing something , warm soak to clean the pasty butt , do not pull at it but just gently rub until it comes one, cligged butt will kill them if not taken care of.
Her pasty butt was taken care of last week and she currently has a nice, clean vent. I'm mostly concerned with the squishy crop; is that normal when they aren't full? And her lethargy. Should I go ahead and treat her for coccidia? The other 4 girls are as active and goofy as ever, knock on wood. Still no eating or drinking from Honey but I did give her about 20 drops of a yogurt/b vitamin/water/molasses mix. It is very dilute because I don't want to give her too much of anything that might make her feel worse. Anybody with experience that may have a recipe? Heading out for vitamins now and will get cocci meds too. Side note, they have been on probiotics and AC vinegar in their water since day one but no medication in their feed. Thank you in advance!!

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