3 ducks missing


Apr 23, 2023
Went to a friends house, only to come back to 3 ducks gone. I don’t know what to do, been looking for them for a week straight every day and night. we have coyotes, checked their dens and found no bones, feathers, or anything. We do have a delta, but one of the 3 hates water. And my family has no clue. I honestly am starting to just assume they’re dead and now I know not to leave home ever again although my family was looking after them they said they haven’t seen them in days, they roughly disappeared 3-4 days ago. They use to hide at this place bc my drake was mean and always chased them out, their pen looks like one of them used it to get out- but I don’t think they got out that way- they never did before.

I won’t stop my search, but if anyone has ideas pls share
It’s either they’re stolen or dead in my eyes
Is it possible that they’ve flown away? I have three mallard ducks, but I used to have four. One day a couple months ago one of them randomly flew away, right out of the blue. I never saw him leave, but he was gone. Then just a couple weeks ago he came back and was swimming around with the other three ducks that stayed. He left again a day or two later, but at least I knew he hadn’t been killed. Do you think something similar may have happened with your ducks?
Is it possible that they’ve flown away? I have three mallard ducks, but I used to have four. One day a couple months ago one of them randomly flew away, right out of the blue. I never saw him leave, but he was gone. Then just a couple weeks ago he came back and was swimming around with the other three ducks that stayed. He left again a day or two later, but at least I knew he hadn’t been killed. Do you think something similar may have happened with your ducks?
Only one could fly but I clipped his wings, so I’m not sure
Maybe they grew back and he flew off? But still doesn’t explain the other two :,)
Any ideas who may have done this? You weren’t the one talking about someone tossing a firecracker in their ducks pen?
I don’t think I was, but someone was coming over here trying to take my drake bc they were 100% certain they raised him even though they didn’t(clearly haha)

These two woman months ago tried to take my goats, along with a group of 3 this month whom stalked my goats for an hour then tried to take off with my goats baby and left the mom (luckily, my step mom caught them in the act and we got them back)

So if anything, those people who tried to take my drake know a lot of people..I mean a lot. Wouldn’t surprise me if they got someone to take 3 of my ducks for “ revenge “ bc I “ stole theirs from the wild “ (maybe you shouldn’t throw two baby ducks into the delta then be shocked when they don’t come back:idunno)
I don’t think I was, but someone was coming over here trying to take my drake bc they were 100% certain they raised him even though they didn’t(clearly haha)

These two woman months ago tried to take my goats, along with a group of 3 this month whom stalked my goats for an hour then tried to take off with my goats baby and left the mom (luckily, my step mom caught them in the act and we got them back)

So if anything, those people who tried to take my drake know a lot of people..I mean a lot. Wouldn’t surprise me if they got someone to take 3 of my ducks for “ revenge “ bc I “ stole theirs from the wild “ (maybe you shouldn’t throw two baby ducks into the delta then be shocked when they don’t come back:idunno)
I’m so sorry you lost your ducks :hmm:hugs
I don’t think I was, but someone was coming over here trying to take my drake bc they were 100% certain they raised him even though they didn’t(clearly haha)

These two woman months ago tried to take my goats, along with a group of 3 this month whom stalked my goats for an hour then tried to take off with my goats baby and left the mom (luckily, my step mom caught them in the act and we got them back)

So if anything, those people who tried to take my drake know a lot of people..I mean a lot. Wouldn’t surprise me if they got someone to take 3 of my ducks for “ revenge “ bc I “ stole theirs from the wild “ (maybe you shouldn’t throw two baby ducks into the delta then be shocked when they don’t come back:idunno)
Anymore people can be soooo stupid. What would make you think this would be something to do?? I mean people - @Fangeddeer should know weather he raised the duck or didn't!! 😡
@Fangeddeer do you have cameras set up? or maybe you should so if they try and take your goats you can turn the camera card over to the police.

Do you know where these people live maybe you can go by and see if they have your ducks. Don't confront them but just check .

Some people :mad:
@Fangeddeer do you have cameras set up? or maybe you should so if they try and take your goats you can turn the camera card over to the police.

Do you know where these people live maybe you can go by and see if they have your ducks. Don't confront them but just check .

Some people :mad:
I went and checked but saw nothing other than someone by the window which made me leave immediately
Their yard is so crowded and full that I couldn’t rlly see much

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