3 month old cockerel not crowing


5 Years
Jun 15, 2017
I have a 3 month old Ameracauna cockerel that I recently discovered was in fact male. He has never crowed. I introduced him with 4 other chicks to my main flock about a month ago and he’s at the bottom rung of the pecking order. No other roosters in the flock.

Are Ameracaunas a quiet breed? Or some roosters at the bottom of the pecking order just don’t crow? Definitely not an issue for me as I did not want a rooster specifically because of the crowing, but just curious.

Here is Victor, previously named Violet 😭
It's not abnormal.
I had a cockerel begin yesterday at 15 weeks. Earlier than I expected.
Be grateful for the peace...when he starts he won't stop.
That’s what I’m afraid of. I’ve been trying to convince myself he’s a she since he hasn’t crowed yet but I can’t ignore that crown and those saddle feathers anymore.

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