3 New Female Muscovies are Starving

Hopefully this will help, if you can get them started by tube feeding them they will most likely start eating on their own but you may have to tube feed for 2-4 days since they are past wanting to eat on their own. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/tube-feeding-ducks-updated-5-7-2020.1211994/ It isn't hard to do once you get the hang of it

more info https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...dications-to-all-poultry-and-waterfowl.73335/

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Looks like you got help from someone who knows ducks. Fwiw my group said to check if the poops are drier than normal and if needed try beak dipping or an eyewash bottle for water.
The difference in body size is probably their age and they will fill out soon enough.
How did you get them to lay on their back like that? 😃
What type of feeder do you have? Do you have more than one?
They are most likely just scared. They will figure things out eventually. Make sure your other muscovy aren't keeping them from food or water and that there are plenty of options for access. Females tend to be territorial when it comes to other females and sometimes they will tell each other off. I currently have 2 female muscovies and they take turn weekly who is going to be the boss over every other duck or chicken. 😂

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