3 Week old BB Whites


7 Years
Oct 29, 2016
Fulton, NY
I picked up 6x 3 week old broad breasted white poults, today. Is 3 weeks old still too young to put out in a tractor in the yard? They have been kept in a basement that doesn't get over 60 degrees F. They are mostly feathered and I have a tote laying on the side with pine shavings in it. They are all laying inside the tote. It is in the mid 50's here during the day and getting down into low 40's at night, maybe high 30's. The tote will protect them from any direct drafts and the tractor has 1 entire side covered to block drafts, as well. I feel they should be ok but, for some reason, I'm having second thoughts.
I picked up 6x 3 week old broad breasted white poults, today. Is 3 weeks old still too young to put out in a tractor in the yard? They have been kept in a basement that doesn't get over 60 degrees F. They are mostly feathered and I have a tote laying on the side with pine shavings in it. They are all laying inside the tote. It is in the mid 50's here during the day and getting down into low 40's at night, maybe high 30's. The tote will protect them from any direct drafts and the tractor has 1 entire side covered to block drafts, as well. I feel they should be ok but, for some reason, I'm having second thoughts.
They should be fine once it warms up in the daytime but need to come in during the evening.
Thank you. How old do you think it would be safe to leave them out?
I don't go by ages. I go by what temperature they have been acclimated to. Here by the time my poults are fully feathered and acclimated to the ambient temperature, the ambient temperature is no longer a problem. I don't allow my poults out overnight until they are big enough to not be a prospective meal for the Great Horned owls. Basically mine are 3 to 6 months old before they get to spend nights outside.

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