3 yr old Svarthona hen leg limp x 1 month-how long to heal?

Aug 31, 2020
I have an almost three year old Svarthona who developed a limp about a month ago. No obvious injuries but mild swelling noted in upper leg by vet. Unsure how it happened. Diagnosed with sprained leg. she was on Meloxicam for about a week with a little improvement. she has steadily improved but still unable to walk on leg. she does use it to balance now where she couldn't do that before. Eating/drinking fine. She is confined at night inside with a heat lamp and outside during day in small dog kennel by herself inside the chicken run so she can see her friends if its nice weather. Her sister sits by her cage and chats with her. my question is how long could this take to heal? Any other suggestions? She is resting most of the day and only getting up to eat/drink.

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