35 day old egg set and hatched!!!


6 Years
May 11, 2013
Hi!! I have recently hatched a few eggs after I had them stored for over 35 days, I had some disasters with my incubator (loss of power for over 10 hours and again for 6 hours!)
But still the oldest eggs seemed to do the best! I lost 90% of all my eggs
I am saving more eggs and have some over 35 days old now! Will post nee thread when they go into incubator!!!
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As a kid, I had one incubator. I would start a batch and then start collecting eggs for the next setting. I routinely held eggs for as much as 25 days and still had high percentage hatches. A lot has to do with how eggs are held and managed prior to setting. My eggs and incubator were kept in an earthen cellar, 50 % + humidity, turned daily, soiled eggs were never kept and set. Worked for me then - can't see any reason it won't still work today.

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