4 of 7 hatched. Broody moved off nest.


5 Years
Apr 24, 2019
South Carolina, USA
Today is day 21. Hatch started on day 19 I saw 2 chick's. Day 20 I saw 4. Today she has moved off her nest with the 4 and left 3 eggs. At day 8 I had candlesd them and they all looked the same development wise. I didn't touch them after. I put the remaining eggs to my ear and hear nothing. They have no cracks or.signs of hatching. Do I toss them now? I cleaned up the remains of the hatched eggs and left them in the nest but I'm not sure what to do. Is she done sitting on them? This is my third hatch with a broody and the other 2 times had 100% hatch rates. Not sure what to do here.


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I'll.add maybe too.many eggs? This is the biggest I've given a broody. She's welsummer. This is her first time. She's only about 7 months old. The first 2 clutches were 5 and 4 eggs. Also to first time moms
Very likely.. that's too staggered and she needs to leave the nest for those that hatched earlier. Sounds like she is doing well!

Congrats on your lovely little family! 🥰
I put them all under her at the same time. So you are saying they are likely duds? Just want to be clear. I pushed them under her. But if she moves again I'll take them out. Looks like she'll be taking the family out of the broader for a stroll soon. As she moved right by the door.
Well, you may want to invest in one.

You should read the article on assisted hatch, it has helped me in the past.
I don't really have any Interest in hatching eggs in an incubator. Or taking care of chick's. I've done it but now that I have broodies I'd rather let them handle it. If they don't hatch naturally I'd rather let nature take its course. Thanks for your suggestion though.i do appreciate you taking the time to help.
So you are saying they are likely duds? Just want to be clear.
Have you candled them again to see what they look like inside?

Sounds like the hen has determined they are duds.. and I essentially would have to take her word or in this case her actions in the matter for it.

There can be many reasons for them not to hatch.. I don't think that 7 was too many eggs even for a pullet.

Beings you had some hatch early.. it could be she runs a little hotter body temp.. part of the reason hatching has an approximate average length.

Sometimes I get 100% hatch with broodies and others not (same within the incubator even when it's dialed in the same for all hatches).. the eggs are not the same eggs perhaps in the same season and such.. there are many, many variables.

Even oviposition for the hen laying determines development level of the embryo and with eggs possibly coming from separate hens.. maybe blah blah blah blah.. my silly way of saying I know nothing but still having fun trying to share.

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