45g long aquarium or med. dog crate for brooder?


6 Years
Mar 23, 2013
Syracuse, NY
I have several things around the house that I can make into a brooder, the top two on my list are:

choice one: 45g LONG glass aquarium. I've had it for many years, it has been sitting with nothing in it for a while now. It's shallow and long, so I doubt that any one area would get too hot. It's 48in long, 18in wide, 12in tall. My thought was to have the heat lamp on one side and to leave the other side the ambient side.

choice two: medium sized dog crate 36in long 23in wide 25in tall. I would use cardboard around the rim to prevent the chicks from getting out through the bars.

I also have access to a lot of cardboard from my job, but I have two very curious cats, so I would prefer to do something more stable and secure for the chicks time indoors.

I have several things around the house that I can make into a brooder, the top two on my list are:

choice one: 45g LONG glass aquarium. I've had it for many years, it has been sitting with nothing in it for a while now. It's shallow and long, so I doubt that any one area would get too hot. It's 48in long, 18in wide, 12in tall. My thought was to have the heat lamp on one side and to leave the other side the ambient side.

choice two: medium sized dog crate 36in long 23in wide 25in tall. I would use cardboard around the rim to prevent the chicks from getting out through the bars.

I also have access to a lot of cardboard from my job, but I have two very curious cats, so I would prefer to do something more stable and secure for the chicks time indoors.

Well, you didn't say how many chicks you were planning on putting in this makeshift brooder. I used a cardboard box from my chest freezer for 15 chicks. They only stayed in there for about three weeks. Then I put them in the henhouse but kept the light on. Yjeu grow fast. Wharever you put them in, have a plan for when they outgrow it.
Sorry, I will most likely be getting 6 of them. I am trying to plan everything out and get a coop built before I purchase them.
Well, all I can tell you is we used an 80 gal aquarium (2x3x2) with 6 chicks (not bantams), and they are just about ready to outgrow it at a measly 3 weeks lol! We're busting our buttz getting the coop built asap and I take them to their outside 4x4x2 pen every chance we get! My point is: bigger = better for brooder! Go with larger crate cuz they're gonna be bursting at the seams in your aquarium! Good luck and have fun!!!!

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