5/4 and 5/5 who is hatching with me =D

I'm in!
we have:
1 white or brown leghorn egg
3 ameraucana eggs
3 RIR and/or barred rock eggs

the chicks will probably be a mix of all these, but whatever, the eggs are what counts :)

oh and I am using a Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance incubator
Well I candled all seven today as it is day 7, three of them you can see the spider of veins growing away from the peep. One is clear and the other 3 I am not sure about yet. will try again at day 14
Candled eggs last night. 42 total, 40 are on target, and only 2 are iffy. so many chickies

14 of these eggs are shipped. couldnt believe it
On day 14 I candled again and 3 were good and the other 4 I removed as they were not fertile.
Today I just noticed 2 of them moving alot rocking, Lock down tomorrow at noon!
i cant watch mine to see rocking because its closed but day 17 and i candled them and i see dark areas no swimming stuff and nice sized air cells sooooo HATCH BABIES HATCH i cant see movement but they are marans

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