5 Day old Chick Protruding Vent! Help! (PHOTOS)


9 Years
May 12, 2013
Bonaire, Georgia
I have a 5 day old RIR, she was my sick lil baby when they arrived from the hatchery, I nursed her back to health and she's been perfectly fine since, well she got pasty butt 2 days ago and I cleaned it with warm water and q-tip (taking care not to pull on it) I noticed today that she was standing in the corner (with her face against the wall) flapping her tiny 5 day old wings, and chirping quite loudly. I noticed she was trying to poop. Some was coming out but it seemed maybe she was constipated and that her vent seemed to be protruding. I dipped her bottom in warm water and used olive oil to help push it back in but it wont stay at all. She is eating and drinking, I haven't seen her try to poop again (in the last 2 hours since the I found her trying earlier).

Is there anything I can do? I see lots of info on older chickens but not much on this in such young chicks.
Also she is sleeping (and laying down to sleep) and she seems to want to try and peck at the area near it.

The side she continues to peck at (after I dipped her bottom in warm water and used olive oil on it)

Her vent protruding
I was just checking on Twitch and she pooped. It seemed to be rather long and hard even. I forgot to mention above that I did add a small amount of cider vinegar to the water in the brooder but she didn't seem to have any trouble pooping (she shivered a bit and chirped once). I am not sure if it was a "normal" one or that one of a constipated chick. However her vent seems to still be protruding. I am going to keep an close eye on her though.
That looks normal to me. I have a month old chick who's vent protrudes like that and she's never had any problems...

I don't know. Don't listen to me... better get someone who knows for sure.
I think my little one has the same issue as your did, is there a remedy for this? Mine seems to be pooping fine, but her vent is protruding. What all did you have to do? I just got her a few days ago. She is a week old.
The first two hens I got had that same thing. She didn't have a problem till she was a pullet. I had to put her down. Her entire sac came out. THere was a surgery option, but I wasn't up for paying that much for a chicken. You might be able to just push it back in. It's called prolapse.
Has she had pasty butt? Wash her bottom with warm water,be careful tissue is delicate then apply either sugar or prep H,this helps shrink swollen tissue. Appears she has a small prolapse. Is she eating/drinking? Keep her separate until tissue shrinks otherwise other chicks will peck/pick at vent area.
yes, she is eating and drinking, we did clean the area with warm water. There wasn't much poop/pasty butt. I've dealt with that before on another chick about a year ago, but nothing like the vent protruding. She is with 2 other chicks and they don't seem to pick on her yet. I will try the prep h or sugar and see if the swelling goes down. Thanks
Sugar/prep H will help swelling go down,this happens quite often in chicks. Make sure she is drinking enough water. You can add water to feed(so it resembles oatmeal,i usually give this in the morning)chicks love this and it is easier for frail ones to eat,but also boosts fluid consumption.

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