5 Gallon Hanging Waterer Problems


9 Years
Jun 23, 2010
So I have the 5 gallon hanging waterer from Little Giant. I have it installed in my raised coop, about 6 inches off the floor of the coop so the chiekens really have to reach to drink. So far this is a good height because minimal poo gets kicked in to the trough. The problem is, this means I have to lift this thing about 5 feet off the ground to hang it. This is no problem (aside from the fact that it's so darn heavy) because I can put the cap on to prevent the water from being released in to the trough until it is hung. However, taking it down when the trough is full (and DIRTY) is a disaster! How can I clean this out without spill all over myself and my bedding?

I have considered screwing an additional hole in the top to insert a hose to fill up the cavity. The only hole is also the cap that serves as the handle. However, this still doesn't solve the full trough dilemma. What do you do?!

Hang it high enough so water doesnt get dirty. put only as much water in as you can lift comfortably.
I don't think those are designed to hang. I believe the handle is for carrying, not hanging.

I use these in several pens and I would not ever hang them. I use a 16" x 16" x 4" high concrete block leveled to set mine on. If I need them higher than that, I use 2 of the blocks stacked on top of one another.
They will leak if they are not level.

I re-fill mine every day, so I carry them out, dump them , rinse them out and fill them back up. DH has installed water faucets with short hoses in all my coops, so I don't have to carry them full. I just set them up close enough to the faucet so all I have to do is fill them from the short length of hose.

Can you put a block under it so that when you are trying to lift it you don't have to lift so high? Like place a thing under it so you don't have to hold the weight of it. If it's getting too bad, move it to the run.
If you use a two pulley system, less effort will be required to move it. I would set it on a few bricks. Add bricks as needed to get the proper height.
Not really sure if I'm envisioning your dilemma correctly...but I think I have this issue with my tiny floor waterer in my brooder right now. I just put a bucket or pan underneath the waterer when I take it down directly into the bucket, and all the splash from the waterer trough goes into the bucket. I then just carry the bucket (with waterer inside it) outside and dump it all.

Then again from the picture you have...5 gallon container? That's huge! I haven't seen one of those in person yet...
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I have that same waterer. If you drill a hole in it, it will lose it's vacuum and water will just run out! I would just put it up on a cinder block - or outside.

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