5 Most Memorable Members of Our Flock


Sep 11, 2020
Here are the most memorable members of our flock in my opinion.

#1: Broken leggy. Broken leggy was an Aracauna (how do you spell that?), who was all a shiny iridescent black. It is a very bad name for a chicken I know. But the reason is that I was like five when I named her, and also she had a birth defect. She was a very amazing chicken who was very brave and comical, and had a very strong character. Her birth defect caused one of her feet to be bent backwards, making it somewhat difficult for her to walk. Fortunately, she was very brave and had a very strong will, so she became and amazing hen who layed pretty green eggs.
I believe that she would have lived to a ripe old age if she had not been killed by a puppy we owned for a brief time.
She will live on in our memories forever.

#2: Golden Scotch. Golden Scotch was an awesome chicken, who was almost completely golden, except for a few black dots on her neck. Once again, I only knew her when I was very small, so I do not have pictures. She was very tame and would spend hours pecking around in the sun playing with me and my sister. She was one of my best friends for many years, and I would carry her around outside of her run and let her see the rest of our farm.
she lived until she was fairly old.

#3 Dodo. Dodo was a great chicken. She was originally called a "him" because when she was little we did not know her gender. She was literally not afraid of anything. She was black, with a few white dots on her neck and head. She had a very good sense of humor. she loved to scavenge around for earth worms, and when we were turning the soil for our garden, she would sit right next to us and eat all the grubs that we turned over. She also was killed by the dreaded puppy. (the main reason we sold the dog)
May she rest in peace.

#4. Mama hen. An amazing Aracuana hen, she was a dark blackish-gray. She layed beautiful green eggs, and has raised many successful broods of chicks. Back when our chickens lived in our barn, me and my sister would go and sleep in the barn with them. All the other chickens would sleep in the downstairs barn, but mama hen would always sleep up with us to keep us company. Every night she would cluck us to sleep with the most comforting hen sound.
she died pretty recently of a raccoon. I am still grieving for her.
she will live on forever in our memories.

#5. Little Guy. Little Guy is a beautiful Aracuana chicken who is a dark black. My sister (@cooingdove) knows more about her than I do because she is her favorite right now. She is enjoying a very good chicken life. Here is a picture of her:

this is as far as the list goes now!

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