
In the Brooder
May 27, 2022
Hello fellow backyard chicken keepers! I have my first flock, just about 5 weeks old (the Easter Egger is a week older). I got the chicks from a homestead that claimed they were all pullets, but I suspect that I have one, possibly two (or more??) cockerels amongst my six chicks. I would love to get the opinions of some folks who have more experience in these matters.
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"Dreams" (Black Australorp)


"Solstice" (Buff Orpington)


"Lilac" (Easter Egger)


"Julianna Chicken-Butt" (Black Australorp)


"Blooms" (Barred Plymouth Rock)


"Henrietta" (Buff Orpington)
Dreams is a cockerel. I'd keep an eye on Blooms, too.
Darn, that was exactly my read as well. What should I look out for with Blooms, specifically? What I've seen so far is some chest bumping with Dreams, and alongside Julianna Chicken-Butt, they're always the first to approach when I bring food in. They don't stand tall the same way that Dreams does though.
Darn, that was exactly my read as well. What should I look out for with Blooms, specifically? What I've seen so far is some chest bumping with Dreams, and alongside Julianna Chicken-Butt, they're always the first to approach when I bring food in. They don't stand tall the same way that Dreams does though.
Behavior isn't a good indicator at that age. Look at comb and wattle development and color. Blooms could still be a girl but if there's a lot of comb growth in the next few weeks then it is likely a boy. You can always post new pictures in here if it isn't clear, but give it another couple of weeks.
Behavior isn't a good indicator at that age. Look at comb and wattle development and color. Blooms could still be a girl but if there's a lot of comb growth in the next few weeks then it is likely a boy. You can always post new pictures in here if it isn't clear, but give it another couple of weeks.
Thank you!

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