5 week old cochin-- sprain??

Aug 7, 2020
Hello, my mother went to check the brooder and our Cochin is limping -- it is walking on the outside of it's foot. I'm not sure if it's a sprain or what is going on, I felt each leg from toes to thigh joint and nothing feels out of place. The only think I can relate it to would be if a human tripped and the ankle slipped under but in this little fellas case is in that position when he walks. If I stand him up he can stand normally but walking is another story. My mother thinks it may have twisted it, they're learning to roost on small roost bars and it may have gotten jostled. Should I splint?? Let him rest?? Like I said I don't see swelling or feel any structural abnormalities and we've isolated him because the rest were picking on him. He's downstairs with me. I don't know how to make splints without worrying about him being able to lay down to sleep at night. Any ideas are appreciated. He's going to be a gorgeous partridge cochin and I really don't want to have to cull. He's vaccinated for Marek's and no other birds are having issues.
Legs twisting can be from a vitamin deficiency. I would get it started on some daily poultry vitamins to see if it helps.
It's not vitamin deficiency I don't think. He was fine last night. I can give him a boost with our chick e-lixir though. It was sudden onset. He was fine until this afternoon. Wouldn't they show signs way before a limp?? He's a pretty active little dude. Even with the limp we had trouble catching him. He's fast.
Can you post a picture of the chick with the legs side by side? Does one foot turn in or out? Varus leg bone deformity can look like that. Is the chick getting around to food and water? That is the biggest problem if having leg issues. Human B complex or the Super B complex is good to give once a day, and 1/2 tablet can be given orally or crushed in some food or egg. Here is a link to read:
Can you post a picture of the chick with the legs side by side? Does one foot turn in or out? Varus leg bone deformity can look like that. Is the chick getting around to food and water? That is the biggest problem if having leg issues. Human B complex or the Super B complex is good to give once a day, and 1/2 tablet can be given orally or crushed in some food or egg. Here is a link to read:
Sorry it took a couple days to reply. I have tried to get pictures but he freaks out and I'm alone and can't operate my camera two handed. I believe it's a slipped joint, I can pop it back in by rubbing it between my fingers but when I remove support so he doesn't or his friend doesn't peck it off it slips again. He's been getting vitamins and the buddy in with him is a Cochin pullet. He's getting around okay despite limping and eating and drinking without her pushing him away from food or being aggressive. I can't feel any major swelling and he's tolerant of having his hock (elbow,knee??) manipulated. I'm open to suggestions as to what I can do to make his life easier, I want to avoid culling an otherwise healthy bird and would like to make a run for the two that he can use once he's outside to accommodate him. (It's still a bit too cold for them at night to be outside.)

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