5 weeks old- ok without the heater at night?


May 3, 2023
Near Los Angeles
Is it ok to remove the heater all together at this point?? Our chicks are about 5 weeks old and they are still in a brooder in the garage (the coop is almost finished and we are planning to move them in next weekend!) we have a heat plate that you can raise the level on and it's been on the highest level for about 2 weeks. It's getting to be about 60-65 in the garage at night (not drafty at all) and when I go in first thing they are out and about, not huddled under the heat plate. I've been taking the heater out during the day so they have more room- it gets to be 70-80 in there during the day (plus we take them out in the sun daily for yard time). Do they still need the heater? I feel like they'll be ok with out it tonight but have no idea what I'm doing here so would love some feedback! Thank you!
I agree with you! I just took the heat source away with my 6 week old newbies and they're in *40's at night. But it was clear to me they were done with the MHP. They usually stop going under around 4 weeks but still nap on top where it's warm and then a week or 2 later, they pick a corner to huddle in at night. I catch myself encouraging them to go back to the warm hut when I lock them up, but just like any tweens, they are becoming independent, and they've decided they don't need it. Given your temps, I say remove.... Hope they agree with me!
I agree with you! I just took the heat source away with my 6 week old newbies and they're in *40's at night. But it was clear to me they were done with the MHP. They usually stop going under around 4 weeks but still nap on top where it's warm and then a week or 2 later, they pick a corner to huddle in at night. I catch myself encouraging them to go back to the warm hut when I lock them up, but just like any tweens, they are becoming independent, and they've decided they don't need it. Given your temps, I say remove.... Hope they agree with me!
Thank you! I took it out today (I've been taking it out during the day all week) but it's now past 8pm and I didn't put it back in and they seem fine. I can't wait till we get to move them out back and get them settled in, they are definitely outgrowing the garage brooder scene FAST.

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