50 shades of grey!!! Looking for help - breed and gender :-)

Rebecca in FL

In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 11, 2013
I received some chicks from someone, I know the littlest is a Silkie - five toes :)

It's the three shades of grey - a bigger almost white, a mid tone and one is darker grey.


What breed is this??? I think it is a roo
I would suggest creating your own thread because going back and forth to answer different questions from different people can get confusing. Also post pictures of the comb and side when you do create a thread, he/she could also be too young to be properly sexed yet.
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What breed is this??? I think it is a roo

I agree with Veer, it's best to create your own thread. Based on what you have so far, I can't tell breed or sex. You might want to wait until the chick is older, and refer to the photo guidelines for this section (a thread in a box at the top of the forum near the "new post" button) for when you take the pics.
I received some chicks from someone, I know the littlest is a Silkie - five toes :)

It's the three shades of grey - a bigger almost white, a mid tone and one is darker grey.

I don't think they are Andalusians. They just don't look quite right to me, and they're missing the white earlobes, although they are still young. Knowing what type of comb they have would help.

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