6 PM tonight is my first official lockdown!! Need advice!


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
Savannah, NY
tonight at 6 is 18 days! I need to know what the best humidity is for an lg incubator with a personally rigged mini fan for circ should be. ( im thinking 65-70%)

And also, should i use egg cartons and keep them upright , or should i lay them down on paper towels?

Also, the air cells seem to have enlarged as the chicks have been growing, and at the pointy end i see a snake like looking thing, looks like a thicker vein or possibly the end of the yolk? This is my first time so maybe i am explaining it wrong! Are these things normal?
no eggcartons. Lay them on their sides on paper towels.
Egg cartons can make it hard for them to hatch.

That 'Snake lookin thing' may be a foot.

but I'm not quite sure what you mean. If it looks like a worm, then I have no idea.
I usually go to around 65%....some go lower and have good results. Once you lock it down, DO NOT OPEN until all the chicks are hatched ( if at all possible )

carton or laying down - everyone will have a different opinion. I've done it both ways. Carton is cleaner and chicks do well. don't use cardboard cartons, they can wick up the water if your troughs are overfilled. ( don't ask me how I know LOL ) Con to the carton is that you can't see if they pipped at the wrong end. Laying flat - works well, con is that they roll the eggs everywhere once they start hatching. I've seen some suggest a ponytail holder to use when laying flat to give them a little indention to stay in and perhaps not roll around - haven't tried this yet.....

Can't answer your air cell question, sorry.


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