6 reasons why chickens are good at getting what they want


Free Ranging
Oct 18, 2019
Although there are undoubtedly more than 6 explanations as yet undetected despite prolonged contemplation, I would like to submit the following suppositions for review:

6 reasons why chickens (may be) good at getting what they want
  1. Disregard of foreign language barriers. Lively conversations with humans are deemed most effective when treats are produced.
  2. A sense of expectancy. I.e., stepping around, body language, otherwise known as Maneuvering for Success.
  3. Minimal direct demands. The quantity and volume of all complaints directed at the human are subject to the chicken’s discretion.
  4. Maximization of indirect demands. Although not all treats may be considered equal, a small margin of error is granted to the human with the understanding that clucks of approval can only be issued when cuisine options are found to be palatable.
  5. Open honesty. Transparency of opinion is fundamental. The chicken will inform the owner of all perceived shortcomings. Opinions can generally not be countermanded.
  6. A sense of superiority. At all times, chicken reserves right of correct assumptions and actions.
Given the supposition that chickens could have only survived for thousands of years because humans have been around to protect them, the human is deemed essential to continued proliferation of chicken.

In such a case, great manipulation may lie in great deception.

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