7 month old bantam Cochin picking fights - what is going on????


Crossing the Road
12 Years
Apr 21, 2012
North Texas
Our little bantam Cochin (raised by our Japanese bantam hen) began laying about a week and a half ago. Today, she decided to kick and fight with her "mother". The two have sparred off and on all day, and finally the Cochin grabbed a wattle and drew blood. Our OEGB hen pretty much stays clear of this. I'm curious if there is some sort of attempt at re-establishing the pecking order, as my Japanese bantam has always been "lead hen" for the bantam trio?? Also, is this due to some hormonal thing since she began laying recently??? -never had this happen with the standard gals. (also, she is the only one of my flock to have been raised by a mother hen) Any and all suggestions, ideas, or explanations are welcome!
She is probably hormonal and daring to challenge the authority figures. Oh I remember my daughter's teen age years -
. They will work things out.
I figured as much, but this little 'un is something else. She even challenged my big ol' standard lead hen. (was shown her place quickly after that one) By roosting time, everyone was settled and well. Whew.

....teenage years.
-smack in the middle of 'em here. -daughter is 15 going on 35.

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