$700 computer battery saves $50 incubator YAY DH!!


10 Years
Nov 8, 2009
The power went out yesterday night while I was at the kid's Christmas concert! My son turned to me and said, "Oh no, Mom! The incubator!!" I gathered the kids up and rushed home, but told them it'd be all right, the hen gets off the eggs every so often, so eggs are used to getting cold. But a fear had crept into my bones and when I got home checked the bator. It was at 90. Argh! I wrapped the "coolerbator" in blankets and sat down to fume in the dark. DH suggested more candles might be in the spare bedroom so I went in there to find them, but noticed an electric whine and beep. I asked DH what was on in there and he said, "Oh, the old backup battery for the server. It's not even hooked up to anything, don't worry about it," I ripped it out of the wall and rushed to the incubator, plugging it in. DH said it would only last 30 min or so but the power was out for 3 hours! And the APU kept the eggs right on temp up until the power came back on. DH chucked and said now I have a good story to tell all my online chicken friends, so, here it is, in the dark, although the flash lit it up for the camera, lol
yay I have friends! Thanks guys, it was a hero tale for sure for me..He donated the battery to me for my egg quest. It is now part of my incubator system lol
WOW, I can't believe it lasted for 3 hours... I have a big backup like that plugged into my LCD TV for surge protection... I get about 20 minutes of backup when the power goes out. I'm impressed and quick thinking on your part.

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