8 month old tom has cyst


In the Brooder
Dec 9, 2017
Tamms, IL
Cysts is on front middle of neck. It has like 50, 1/2" spikey feathers growing out of it. About the size of a small walnut. What is this? It bothers the heck out of him & he spends all day trying to pluck it off but he cant quite reach it. My other tom is older & doesnt have this.https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_TlemXNj_3wbWQ4YXN0N0VzZUNMU2daRUVHcG9mdmhrTU1R

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yes turkey toms grow "beards" down here. Some get long and dangly. Look at pictures of toms on the internet. Sometimes turkey hens grow tiny ones too.

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