8 week old chicks out to the coop, but, heat or no heat?


9 Years
Jun 19, 2010
We are just getting over a cold snap, highs in the low 30s,so I wanted to wait to put the 8 week old chicks out. We are still having nights in the 20s, daytime highs 40s-50s. Should I put a heat lamp in with them when I put them out? They have been in my basement that is not heated unless I have the wood stove going. I guess its in the high 50s down there. I have had a 100w light on them, and they do still sleep under it. Maybe put a heat lamp on them for a week or so? I plan on putting them out this weekend, Sat will be about 48 with snow? and Sun. about 50.
This is my 1st time doing winter chicks. I might have to rethink doing this again.
If they are acclimated, they will be fine. I raised chicks in 30F nights and took their lamp at 6 weeks. They were outside the entire time though.

I'd put them out, give them a 60W lamp for a night, then half a night, then take it out just to adjust them.
Great question as my 7 week old are getting feisty in their brooder in the coop. Guess its time to build a grow out pen in the coop just for them and wean them from the heat lamp. Currently highs of 60 and lows in the teens in the coop.

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