8 weeks later (picture heavy!)


12 Years
Apr 30, 2007
North Carolina
Haven't posted many pictures of my girls (and guy!) for a while. They're all so gorgeous at 8 weeks that I figured I can't keep them to myself any longer!

Here we have the lap chickens. I wanted lap chickens, worked hard for it, but geez! All 6 like to jump on me at the same time, roosting on my legs, arms, shoulders, head...anywhere really. It's getting to be a bit much, but I secretly love it

Aretha + Stevie:

Lil Kim

Here is the chicken formerly known as Goldie Hawn! Giant comb at 3 weeks, pitiful squawking at 4.5 weeks, and a full blown pathetic mini crow by 6! Cap'n Jack is an awesome little roo. Lots of great cocky attitude, but still loves to sit with mom for a cuddle.




Here is a video taken about a week 1/2 ago when he still insisted on only crowing at dawn, about 10 times in a row. Please excuse our dorkiness, we were half asleep. And yes, I want to slap me as well whilst I'm laughing in this

Here's Stevie who I am just completely in love with. She is one of the sweetest of the group. I'm just so partial to that sweet little face of hers!





Here's Elvira, my SLW, who is a complete little...well, you know what. I adore this chicken, but my goodness has she got a beak on her! She's ruined two freckles, a mole, and just tore open a newly healed bug bite! Her curiousity just seems to get the better of her. All that being said, she is a complete darling and by far the most daring of the bunch. She's also incredibly gorgeous:




Next we have Charro, the newest addition. (I think she's a girl, but in all honesty have really no idea--so if you see anything that stands out, please feel free to let me know!) She's shaping up to be quite the adorable little thing, isn't she? While the rest are almost 2 lbs, she's weighing in at a teensy 11 oz. She's still not nearly as friendly as the others, but once you actually get ahold of her, she loves to snuggle up under your ear. I also think she somewhat resembles a llama...





There aren't many photos of the Black Stars...they're a bit shy when I bring the camera out! They are both amazing birds. Very friendly and gentle. I get little love bites that feel like they're still just a week old and they have great manners when it comes to snacks, unlike the others! I think perhaps they're on their way to being at the bottom of the pecking order, but someone's gotta do it!

Sorry for the gigantic post...I went a bit camera crazy today!
Very pretty. I really like Elvira. Your little powder puff looks like my Silkie girls if that helps.
Oh and I have shoes exactly like that...I got them so I could match my daughter last summer and I still have them and wear them everywhere...lol.
Thanks! I'm really hoping she's a girl
She doesn't seem to have any roo-ish tendencies at all, but I've heard Silkies can be difficult. She's a noisy little one and definitely holds her own weight with the bigger chickens, but just seems like a girl. Then again, since they're just so fluffy and cute, I'd probably think each and every one of 'em were little girls

Ahh, I love my Crocs. It's generally too hot to wear my wellies and they're just so easy to hose out. Comfy as well! Couldn't resist the bright pink, lol! I'm suffering with bug bites on my ankles, though.

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