911- egg bound or prolapse???


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 7, 2007
Southern by the Grace of God
This is way nasty and I have no idea what it is. Is she maybe egg bound or a prolapse? I JUST found her like this. I haven't cleaned her bottom off (obviously). PLEASE tell me what to do if you know. She is eating and acting ok, a little to herself maybe but thats it. I just started getting eggs last week and know it is from a buff orpington, but not sure if it is her or not.

Touch it, is it hard like and egg is there?

If it is there are things you can do to help her pass it.
ok, it is an egg but it has also prolapsed her vent. I can see where the vent is, but it is way at the top and to the side. There is 2 inches of tissue bulging out. I soaked her behind in warm water for 10 minutes and she is straining to pass it but she can't. I need to know if she is going to die because I don't want her suffering. Please someone help me
Put her in a hot bath. (Not hot enough to cook her, just hot like a bubblebath)
Let her soak. THe heat may relax her enough so she passes the egg.
You will need to hold her up. The heat will probably make her relax enough to go to sleep.

After she has soaked a while, carefully put KY or mineral oil in her vent. If you feel the egg, smear it good with the lubricant. That will help also. If the egg breaks, get her to a vet.
The other thing is that there is a place on her prolapse that is oozing poop. Like it has a small tear. The egg is just moving all around. It isn't like the vent is too small, it is like it is trying to come out the side wall... The egg can actually be pushed back inside her, but the egg won't go towards the right way. OMG this is so gross, but I'll do whatever to help her.
The vent is for pooping, too, so that is to be expected. Can you gently push the whole prolapse back in and try to get the egg into position?
Well poop isn't coming out of the vent, but like the side, like there is a tear in her bowel. I can get alot of the prolapse back in but not all of it and I was scared of hurting her worse. Should I try that? Like push is in and KY her up and hold it in and see if she can get it out the right way? I'll try that if pushing the egg back won;t hurt her. Which way do I point it? The small pointy end towards the outside?
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I would rotate it to the small end out. But if the egg is that "loose" where you can move it so freely, you might want to consult a vet. It could be already in the abdominal cavity.

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